What Is 12 Step Treatment and Why Is It Effective in Treating Addiction?

12 step treatment

Staff DRPJournal

February 25, 2025

12 Step treatment was first created by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) in 1935. This type of treatment is faith-based and require participants to put their faith in a power greater than themselves. This higher being does not have to be a religious figure. It can be the power of the universe or anything that your heart desires it to be.

The 12 step treatment helps guide recovering addicts to sobriety. Those who practice the 12 steps are more likely to become more self-aware of their own actions. They also have principles that they can lean on and rely on. This can help them feel as if they’re part of something.

How Effective Is the 12 Step Model

One of the main perks of 12 step treatment is that it offers anonymity. Due to this reason, it has been difficult to gauge just how effective this treatment modal is. However, there are many success stories out there from recovering addicts that suggest that this model works.

Some studies have looked at the long-term effectiveness of the 12 step model and found that those who sought 12 step treatment were more likely to abstain from drugs and alcohol even 15 months after recovering. These individuals claimed to get the support and encouragement that they needed to continue to want to achieve lifelong sobriety.

Those who sought this treatment also felt more accountable for their own actions. They had other people who relied on them and other people who would check up on them from time to time.

A Look at The Twelve Steps

Many different mutual support groups, like Narcotics Anonymous (NA) and Al-Anon, follow the twelve step model. The twelve steps are the same regardless of the type of addiction being treated. They include:

  1. Admitting that you are powerless over drugs and alcohol and that your life has become unmanageable
  2. Believing that a higher power can restore you to sanity and help you with sobriety
  3. Making a decision turn our will and lives over to the care of this higher being as it is being understood
  4. Making a fearless moral inventory of yourself
  5. Admitting to the exact nature of your wrongdoing
  6. Getting ready to remove all defects of character that you may have
  7. Asking the higher being to remove all defects of character and shortcoming that you have
  8. Making a list of all the people who were wronged or harmed by you
  9. Making direct amends to those who were wronged, unless doing so would injure or harm them or others
  10. Continuing to make a personal inventory of yourself and admitting to any shortcomings in a prompt manner
  11. Seeking clarity through prayer and meditation to improve self-awareness
  12. Having a spiritual awakening as a result of following these steps

12-step programs will reach recovering addicts how to master each step. This will take time. However, those who slowly master all steps find that they are more ready to face past addictive behaviors. These recovering alcoholics and drug addicts also see improvement in their overall mental health.

It Doesn’t Hurt to Try

There is no reason why you shouldn’t try 12 step treatment. Many alcohol and drug rehabs will seamlessly work this evidence-based treatment approach into the overall structure of the program.

Find a drug or alcohol treatment center that offers 12 step treatment by contacting us today.

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