Understanding the Investors Journey (Infographic)

Mark Mckelvie

September 17, 2024

Download Your Free Investor’s Journey Infographic

Investing is a difficult decision, but with news reports, you can make it easy. 

Attracting investor attention is great, but how can you sustain that energy and momentum, give them the information they need, and turn their interest into an investment? According to investing.com, the #1 tool used by investors during this decision-making process is news reports. 

When they go to Google to see what they can find about your company, these news reports must be the first thing they see. 

That’s where we come in. We understand the investor’s journey and offer the missing piece of the puzzle to your company. Our news reports will go straight to the top of Google search results pages (SERPs) and help you secure and retain more investors. 

Be Mindful of the Investor’s Journey

  1. Discovery

The investor learns you exist. They find you, whether it’s through ads, web presentations, conferences, or any other method. They become interested in your company. They connect with you in some way and think you have potential…

  1. Due Diligence

Their interest leads to independent research. Where do they go? 90% of investors do their research on Google. They create a narrative that helps them build excitement about your potential and overcome their fear of loss — they want proof you aren’t a bad investment. What they need to find is simple, easy-to-understand, and engaging information to help them envision a happy ending (i.e. a wise investment).

  1. Decision

It’s a yes or no. Will they overcome their fear of losing money and invest in your company? Did they find enough compelling, uncomplicated information to turn their interest into an investment?

You can give them all of the information they need in an impactful, straightforward, easy-to-understand news report. Build their confidence and make the decision to invest easy.

Download Your Free Investor’s Journey Infographic

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